Why would anyone fast? I didn't even think it was possible until I had to go for medical procedures of one kind or another.Twenty four hours without food. Couldn't I die from that? It can't be good for you.Can it? Well maybe it could.We sure are use to having things right at hand when we want it, there's no consideration of where it came from, how much work went in to getting it here or how blessed we are to have it , so much of it,such a variety of it. Burgers Monday,Pasta Tuesday, Pizza Wednesday,Chicken Thursday,Fish Friday,etc,etc. That's not counting the salads, fruit , vegetables and sanwiches we woof back along the way!! Maybe going a day without food now and then could have an eye opening effect on our "attitude of gratitude" and maybe we would enjoy our food more intensely when we did have it.I think it would give us a deeper feeling of thanks when we say grace before our meals. Jews For Jesus has a great article in it's March 2009 news...