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Showing posts from April, 2009
Why would anyone fast? I didn't even think it was possible until I had to go for medical procedures of one kind or another.Twenty four hours without food. Couldn't I die from that? It can't be good for you.Can it? Well maybe it could.We sure are use to having things right at hand when we want it, there's no consideration of where it came from, how much work went in to getting it here or how blessed we are to have it , so much of it,such a variety of it. Burgers Monday,Pasta Tuesday, Pizza Wednesday,Chicken Thursday,Fish Friday,etc,etc. That's not counting the salads, fruit , vegetables and sanwiches we woof back along the way!! Maybe going a day without food now and then could have an eye opening effect on our "attitude of gratitude" and maybe we would enjoy our food more intensely when we did have it.I think it would give us a deeper feeling of thanks when we say grace before our meals. Jews For Jesus has a great article in it's March 2009 news...

Another Poem

When I first started studying the Bible, I found I was always picking out things I thought I was pretty much in line with, or was already applying to my own life and I would see the faults of other people who weren't where I was morally. I thought "Gee, It so easy. Why don't people just live like me". It's not just Chistians. Many folks think they have all the "real" righteous ways figured out and if you should, say, smoke,or drink, or do something politically incorrect, well, you're just bad, stupid or both. It's always so easy to see the shortcomings of others. At some point I came across Luke18:9-14 "To some who are confident and look down at everybody else,Jesus told this parable:"Two men went up to the temple to pray one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: 'God I thank you that I am not like other men--robbers, evildoers, adulterers-or-- even like this tax collector. I ...

"Opportunity" by Berton Bradley

After raising three boys I find I'm always telling , not just them , but there friends too,how great it "used to be ". My parents always did the same as they spoke about the "good old days" . Now, I knew my parents "good old days" consisted of the great depression and a world war that saw 50.000.000 people die . Imagine that. Let that sink in awhile. These were the "good old days". Maybe the " good old days" were good ,because, the good Lord gives us "days "at all. And the sweet,sweet people around us are among the greatest gifts of all His creation. My parents pictures of "the good old days" always consisted of lots of people, in a very small room. Anyway,I get caught up in thinking about the past . This is not good for the next generation ,who have there whole lives stretched out before them. When I was young and in despair my mother shared this book of poems with me .It was at a time, like today ,wh...

Blog Me

There's been many times I've had things to say be it spiritual,social, political,or just micellaneous rambling and I needed a place to vent these thoughts. Comments would be great . I'm laid off from work and have much more time to waste on the computer. This first blog deals with nothing.I'm simply trying to see how it works.