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Showing posts from December, 2009


At work the other day I noticed two men talking, they had big smiles on, one patting the others shoulder. It was a nice sight to see. I don't know if I just don't notice little suttle things like that all year or if it comes out more at Christmas time. It sure is great. As a Christian I do find increased prayer time and more frequent reminders of the Lord's presence around me this time of year. As a Canadian, the tradition, the lights, the trees, secular people singing songs praising God. It is the "most wonderful time of the year". If you have people around you that you love tell them how you feel and maybe Christmas time would be a great time to spread that love to your neighbors, shut-ins, the lonely, soldiers far away. Use the lights, the songs, the "spirit of Christmas" to spread Christ's love this year. Merry Christmas!! And "God bless us EVERYONE!" John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and onl...

Live Free or Die

Political correctness irritates me and lack of faith or conviction among the people of our nation saddens me, but what fills me with fear is the question I ask myself. How can a nation that has no convictions or faith worth dying for stay strong and stave off an enemy who's beliefs , they feel, are worth dying for? My parents generation made it clear to us, I thought, that freedom is worth dying for. However when I listen to people of my generation , they seem to believe in peace at all cost. With the increase in our country of radical religious and political groups, who don't share our forefather's beliefs in freedom of speech and freedom of religion this passiveness is disturbing. Many of these groups feel,and have proven thoughout the world, that what they believe in is, in there view, worth giving up there lives for where as the politically correct, secular, peace at all cost society that much of Canada has become does not believe in anything. They have no conv...