Political correctness irritates me and lack of faith or conviction among the people of our nation saddens me, but what fills me with fear is the question I ask myself.
How can a nation that has no convictions or faith worth dying for stay strong and stave off an enemy who's beliefs , they feel, are worth dying for?
My parents generation made it clear to us, I thought, that freedom is worth dying for. However when I listen to people of my generation , they seem to believe in peace at all cost. With the increase in our country of radical religious and political groups, who don't share our forefather's beliefs in freedom of speech and freedom of religion this passiveness is disturbing.
Many of these groups feel,and have proven thoughout the world, that what they believe in is, in there view, worth giving up there lives for where as the politically correct, secular, peace at all cost society that much of Canada has become does not believe in anything. They have no convictions. The ones they do have are strong only when there is no opposition, but will crumble when faced with a little disapproval, let alone conflict or war.
I was visiting some friends after a trip out east and mentioned how refreshing and encouraging it was to see the state of New Hampshire's sign, it read " Welcome to New Hampshire - LIVE FREE OR DIE". Right on! I thought, but there was silence, no comment, no affirmation, change the subject quick. These friends weren't the "peace at all cost" type's but I think they were taken back, like I was, when I first saw the slogan.It's not politically correct to speak so honestly, but freedom is worth dying for and sacrifice is what made our country great.
It's nice to say you're thankful for your freedom, but if you think it came cheap and will always be here, well, I guess you didn't pay enough attention to what your parents, grandparents and great grandparents went through or maybe you never asked them, perhaps you were to busy watching TV, playing video games and enjoying your freedom.
People who don't care enough to fight for things , like freedom , don't keep it very long.
Our parents generation seeked God in there hardest times and God blessed them with victories - at a huge cost - along with peace and freedom for there children. It's to bad we - there children - won't do the same for our children. Instead of seeking God, we've kicked Him out of our schools, thew away his greatest gifts, through abortions and mocked our greatest advocates - our parents and God himself. All in the name of.........nothing. Political correctness represents...nothing. Secular humanism represents....nothing and of course our faith is in.. nothing.
It's hard to fight for nothing, but easy to give it away , at least in the end you'll still have it, and can give it to your children.
No, No, No Live Free or Die!!
How can a nation that has no convictions or faith worth dying for stay strong and stave off an enemy who's beliefs , they feel, are worth dying for?
My parents generation made it clear to us, I thought, that freedom is worth dying for. However when I listen to people of my generation , they seem to believe in peace at all cost. With the increase in our country of radical religious and political groups, who don't share our forefather's beliefs in freedom of speech and freedom of religion this passiveness is disturbing.
Many of these groups feel,and have proven thoughout the world, that what they believe in is, in there view, worth giving up there lives for where as the politically correct, secular, peace at all cost society that much of Canada has become does not believe in anything. They have no convictions. The ones they do have are strong only when there is no opposition, but will crumble when faced with a little disapproval, let alone conflict or war.
I was visiting some friends after a trip out east and mentioned how refreshing and encouraging it was to see the state of New Hampshire's sign, it read " Welcome to New Hampshire - LIVE FREE OR DIE". Right on! I thought, but there was silence, no comment, no affirmation, change the subject quick. These friends weren't the "peace at all cost" type's but I think they were taken back, like I was, when I first saw the slogan.It's not politically correct to speak so honestly, but freedom is worth dying for and sacrifice is what made our country great.
It's nice to say you're thankful for your freedom, but if you think it came cheap and will always be here, well, I guess you didn't pay enough attention to what your parents, grandparents and great grandparents went through or maybe you never asked them, perhaps you were to busy watching TV, playing video games and enjoying your freedom.
People who don't care enough to fight for things , like freedom , don't keep it very long.
Our parents generation seeked God in there hardest times and God blessed them with victories - at a huge cost - along with peace and freedom for there children. It's to bad we - there children - won't do the same for our children. Instead of seeking God, we've kicked Him out of our schools, thew away his greatest gifts, through abortions and mocked our greatest advocates - our parents and God himself. All in the name of.........nothing. Political correctness represents...nothing. Secular humanism represents....nothing and of course our faith is in.. nothing.
It's hard to fight for nothing, but easy to give it away , at least in the end you'll still have it, and can give it to your children.
No, No, No Live Free or Die!!
I love your conviction, but I believe it is God breathed to a previous generation, and our modest remnant that remains. All others prefer PC.
Thanks for the good thoughts Thom