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The media is the tail wagging the dog

So, do people really care this much about the football player and his wife or is the media just feeding it to us. Talk shows determine what the topic will be. Editors decide what the headlines are. They don't ask us  whats on our minds. People who believe the media reflects society's interest, and not there own,  are just right out to lunch.
Nobody cares about the three elderly nuns who were raped and murdered last week in Burundi or maybe a follow - up on the oil spills that "destroyed the planet"  a few years ago.  We're all just waiting to hear another opinion on the football player and his wife?
Don't get me wrong. The story does not completely lack newsworthiness, but how many people does it take to tell such a simple little story when there is all kinds of other things happening that are important.


Storybookmum said…
Its amazing what a feeding frenzy this has become. 24 hour news agencies came into being to give us access to important, world changing events such as the Gulf War as one example. But, now there are so many of these media hounds competing for our attention and advertising dollars, any marginal incident is exploited to amazing levels. - John
Thom Strople said…
Thanks for the comment John. I haven't used my blog in so long, I forget how.
Sometimes Lora and I like to listen to the radio when we go to bed, but the repetition of the same story over and over again is just frustrating. It seems to me people just want to hear the noise and not think too much. I try to listen to sports radio, but they do the same thing. Tigers, Lion's, Red Wings, Pistons. News items? I don't really want to hear news items on sports stations.24 Hours!!
Can't we talk about the SEC , ACC ,or other pro teams, expand our horizons a bit ? Like the news stories one incident or one play can get days of air time. I hate to say it, but, it makes me think a lot of brains are just stuck in neutral
There is a fellow on WJR late who interviews authors and reporters . He's pretty good .But it's thin pickin's out there if you want to learn something or be entertained intelligently.
John Batchelor 11:00pm- 1:00am- that's the guy.
Some times we'll catch the really old cop shows from the 30's and 40's they're fun to listen to ,but I always fall asleep before they finish, Ha. :)

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