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Showing posts from September, 2010
Lora and I were discussing the "Kingdom of Heaven" on our walk last night and we got quite entrenched in our discusion as we are both in the book of Matthew. I'd like some comments ,corrections , or opinions on this view I have. The Kingdom of Heaven is like..... Many people speak of Jesus as there Savior but not so much there Lord , leaving them to trust in His sacrifice but not modeling his examples or sanctifing there own personal lives. I believe JESUS is LORD and Savior. As our Lord if every person in the world followed Jesus's teaching on righteousness and servitude the "Kingdom of Heaven" would be here. Not that we are without sin here , but that we sincerely try to remove it as much as we can from our lives (not so ironically , if we do as Jesus says and put others needs ahead of our own many of these sins disappear). This attitude of serving and sanctification has to be prevelant in our lives to enter the "Kingdom of Heaven" No...

thinking eternally (now that I'm 50 and all)

First Point - Cultural relevance and an eternal out look do not mesh well- Do people ,christian people , realize that when they mock older brothers and sisters because they aren't "culturally relevant" , they aren't computer savvy, they like hymms. That they are just as intolerant and narrow minded as the accusers they accuse. In fact as a young man and atheist I found I enjoyed the company of older people who where just themselves , who acted ther age and didn't try to be like me, they didn't listen to my music or talk as my friends did . I respected them and wanted to some day be like them . 1 Corinthians 13:11 (New International Version) "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." And who's going to teach young men and women how to be mature men and women when there mentors are so busy trying to be like them ? And when we witness to other ad...