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thinking eternally (now that I'm 50 and all)

First Point - Cultural relevance and an eternal out look do not mesh well-
Do people ,christian people , realize that when they mock older brothers and sisters because they aren't "culturally relevant" , they aren't computer savvy, they like hymms. That they are just as intolerant and narrow minded as the accusers they accuse. In fact as a young man and atheist I found I enjoyed the company of older people who where just themselves , who acted ther age and didn't try to be like me, they didn't listen to my music or talk as my friends did . I respected them and wanted to some day be like them . 1 Corinthians 13:11 (New International Version)
"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me."

And who's going to teach young men and women how to be mature men and women when there mentors are so busy trying to be like them ? And when we witness to other adults what's the differance in us if all we show them is how worldly we are ?
Our God loves the old , the young , the one from a solid loving family , the aba ndoned and the junkie with no fixed address and no family to speak of. Matthew 11:28-30 (New International Version)

28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
We don't need to be more like the world we need to be more like Him!

Second Point - eternal thinking makes me want to leave an imprint-
I watched a TVO special about World War II and they told a story of a young man , 19 years old who ran into the open - and enemy fire , sacrificing himself so his friends , his brothers in arms could escape. This came to mind a few months ago when it was reported that a veteran of the very same war had recently passed on at the age of 98. There was a time when , like most people , I guess , I thought it wasn't fair this young man dies at 19 and the other fellow gets 79 more years. However as I type this blog , they're both dead. All that matters now is there eternal life .
Some times I think of all the people who did great things in short lives and of others who lived long and didn't affect the people around them at all , this encourages me to get busy , help others , be more liberal with grace and forgivness and to focus more on listening and less on speaking no matter who it is thats talking and whether I share there interest or not. (this is not easy but I believe it will help me grow) James correctly advises us all to be quick to listen and slow to speak.


Rox said…
Cultural relevance is about presentation isn't it? As long as the message is the same the methods for presenting it can be different. Elderly will get more from the hymms they're familiar with and young people will enjoy younger more energetic music. I say that BUT personally I get much more out of the newer more energetic christian music and I'm 50+. Do you suppose younger people could think I'm not acting my age? I'm not trying to be worldly.... I'm just inspired by inspired music. Hopefully I'm "young at heart" and not immature. Communication can be so complicated. I wonder if the older person acting younger wasn't attempting to bridge a gap. It all comes down to the message... Prehaps, in the process of changing their method of communication, to bridge the gap, they lost their message, ultimately defeating their purpose. I guess we need to be careful of that. The message can get lost in translation..... and that's no good!

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