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"Opportunity" by Berton Bradley

After raising three boys I find I'm always telling , not just them , but there friends too,how great it "used to be ". My parents always did the same as they spoke about the "good old days" . Now, I knew my parents "good old days" consisted of the great depression and a world war that saw 50.000.000 people die . Imagine that. Let that sink in awhile. These were the "good old days".
Maybe the " good old days" were good ,because, the good Lord gives us "days "at all. And the sweet,sweet people around us are among the greatest gifts of all His creation. My parents pictures of "the good old days" always consisted of lots of people, in a very small room.
Anyway,I get caught up in thinking about the past . This is not good for the next generation ,who have there whole lives stretched out before them.
When I was young and in despair my mother shared this book of poems with me .It was at a time, like today ,when the future didn't look great and we tended to look backwards instead of forwards ,but these were words of encouragement,for sure.

With doubt and dismay you are smitten
You think there's no chance for you son?
Why, the best books haven't been written
The best race hasn't been run,
The best score hasn't been made yet,
The best song hasn't been sung,
The best tune hasn't been played yet,
Cheer up, for the world is young!
No chance? Why the world is just eager
For things that you ought to create
It's stores of true wealth is still meager
It's needs are incessant and great,
It yearns for more power and beauty
More laughter and love and romance,
More loyalty, labor and duty,
No chance--why there's nothing but chance!
For the best verse hasn't been rhymed yet,
The best house hasn't been planned
The highest peak hasn't been climbed yet,
The mightiest rivers aren't spanned,
Don't worry and fret, faint hearted,
The chances have just begun,
For the best jobs haven't been started,
The best work hasn,t been done.

Berton Bradley

When we look at all mankind has done.It is indeed impressive, but in light of God's great ,eternal promise there's so much more ahead
Treat each day as the blessing it is.
"This is the day that the lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it"Psalm118:24
Don't worry about things that are beyond you
"You also must be ready,because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him" Luke12:40

Let's not waste our lives, but enjoy each day as though the last. "Trust and Obey,Trust and Obey"


Thom Strople said…
Wow! Now I know where our oldest son gets his writing talent.

Nice job, Honey!
Thom Strople said…
Thom Strople did not make that comment - it was his wife! Guess I should remember to sign my name. That's what happens when you share an account!

Rox said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rox said…
Hi Thom....i see my post was removed....i don't recall doing that..
Anyway, great writing.

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