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I was cutting some branches with my chainsaw last week when I realized the spinning blade was only about 8 or 10 inches from my leg. I thought "Wow, that's kind of dangerous." Then I immediately thought of how silly it is that it is illegal to purchase lawn darts. I know this is kind of scattered thinking but can you see my point? It's OK to use a chainsaw but not to play lawn darts. That's crazy. I'm almost afraid to point this out for fear that the ... um lets call them the - Living in fear,Paranoid, "There ought to be a law Police - or the (LFPTLP) may take away my right to use my chain saw. I mean it would be crazy to think they might bring lawn darts back. I mean, gee, why not just legalize hand grenades, right?
I'm sure there have been some accidents with lawn dart, even fatalities, but can't we be given the freedom to make up our own minds.
The LFPTLP hate cigareete smokers. Kicking them outside isn't good enough,no,no, they have to be 50 feet or so away from the door, and we better make sure they aren't allowed any where near children, it seems that second hand smoke from 30 feet out of doors at concentrations of ,oh I don't know, 1 part per trillion in doses of once every 6 months might cause cancer down the road. Now lets go sit as close as we can to that pretty camp fire and get nice and warm. I hope the LFPTLP doesn't try to illegalize camp fires.
I don't wear a bicycle helmet. I don't ride my bike on the road either. I think people who ride their bikes on the road with 2-4 ton vehicles buzzing around at 40-80KPH are in no position to preach safety. However, if that's what they want to do I think it's none of my business and I would certainly not try to stop them or take away their fun.
I find there;s a big difference between cyclists (helmet, spandex, headdown, highspeed, expensive equipment, and "we own a part of the road" attitude) and people bike riding (no helmet,looking around, enjoying the sights and sounds,very casual clothes, cheap, even second hand bikes, staying as far away from the road as possible).It does seem, however; that if your a LFPTLP member, your almost certainly a cyclist. So.. um, mind your own buisness, OK.
Our Sunday school teachers were told some parents didn't want there children given snacks with too much sugar in them. I was always under the impression that my grandma made those cookies ,cakes and candies for me because she loved me, but what do I know, maybe she was out to get me. Sounds like the LFPTLP to me.
In closing I would like to share something I wrote in fun of the corporate paranoia at GM where I work. They always try to be possitive but there fear gets in the way.
Health and Safety Report:
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
But, Be careful, watch out, and don't move, you could get hurt. Have fun, but not too much. Hanging lights is dangerous. People have died from paper cuts, so be mindful of that while wrapping presents. But, have a great New Year . Don't drink and drive or play silly party games, that could get you hurt. Be careful when you zip up, something could get caught. Be careful not to slip on ice. Shoveling snow causes heart attacks, sex is kind of risky too. But, have fun.
Toboganning is right out of the question. Don't throw snowballs,skating is insane, there's blades on your feet and your on ICE!!! Wear a helmet 24/7
Eggnog will put your cholesterol threw the roof. People can choke on cherries, olives or little umbrellas, becareful what you drink
Don't laugh or sing to much, you'll spread your cold, and don't drive in the snow!
Stay away from mistletoe, you hardly know these people!! For goodness sake, Where a scarf!! Stay away from bonfires, there hot!!! Hot chocolate can scorch you, too much candy is bad, beer makes you pee. Maybe you better just stay at work.
Merry Christmas


Rox said…
Hey Thom,
I love the "I was always under the impression that my grandma made those cookies ,cakes and candies for me because she loved me, but what do I know, maybe she was out to get me."

Good job Thom....the world's gone crazy with the idea we need to be protected from living. At KC they don't want you to bend, twist or lift anything for fear you might hurt yourself. In actuality you're hurting yourself from not bending, twisting or lifting....we are a weaken bunch.
Thanks for the words of wisdom and the chuckles.
Thom Strople said…
Thanks, Oh and watch that cup of tea, it's a little close to the keyboard. We wouldn't want you getting electricuted

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