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Lora and I go for alot of long walks. It's good excersize and a great time to be alone to talk about everything and anything. The areas we walk are very nice, the kept up houses, the green grass and trees, cats, dogs, squirrels, rabbits, even some people occasionally break free from their computers and TV's to enjoy the outdoors. It's really very nice. However.......
There seems to be an ever growing amount of garbage along the roadways. A couple of times I brought garbage bags to clean up on our walk and was overwhelmed by the accumulation of garbage in such a small area. The thought of how many people must think nothing of throwing their filthy, smelly used up trash on other peoples property makes me fighting MAD.
On recent walks I noticed a couple of discarded plastic bags of garbage on the shoulder of the road, so tonight (garbage night) when I took out the trash I walked down the highway a couple hundred yards to pick them up, to my, perhaps naive, amazement I found them full of soiled diapers. Who would do this?
The diapers were an extreme case, but Tim Hortons cups, McDonalds bags, Cigarette packs and all sorts of cans, bottles and paper are pretty regular sights.
One of the things that always bothered me was the fact that there are garbage cans at virtually every destination so there is no reason to be a selfish slob. Every home, place of work, school, public park, arena, library, they all have garbage cans. No matter where you go there is a place to throw it out so there is no excuse. I think it's just a lack of respect for others, for the country, maybe even for themselves. Shame.
Staying with the environmental theme. The media seems to think the young generation is buying into the save the planet mentality. I just don't see it. We tried the little curly light bulbs so we could "do are part" and found them lacking, furthermore, on the way home from working overtime on afternoons I past an all night Sobeys, lit up like giant christmas tree , freezers and ovens working overtime for the 3 to 5am crowd. (There had to be 4 cars in the lot)
Last summer I stopped at a Beer Store and found it to be very dark. I asked the lady at the counter if they had, had a power outage. She perked right up and said " We're saving energy, we're "doing are part". They had turned off 4 neon lights while the beer chilled in a gymnasium sized refrigerator in the back. It's kind of like having someone put a bandaid on your finger when your head has been severed.
I think people only care if it's not much trouble. Maybe we should start by throwing away our garbage, turning lights off, walking or biking instead of driving, when possible, Then go from there.

Gen.1:28-30, Gen.2:15, Matt.22:37-39 If we take care of what God has given us and treated others as we would like to be treated we could all "do our part" without even trying.


Rox said…
Mom must have done something to us...I've actually chased someone into their driveway to tell them they dropped a bag out their window and I gave it back to them.
I also have a difficult time understanding why people don't throw garbage out either at home or at Timmy's when they get their coffee. In Hustville every Tim Hortons has 3 or 4 convenient garbage cans. Garbage cans line the Main Street in town and every gas station has several conveniently located beside the pumps.

Could we stress it more to youth? What can we do? Litterbugs should feel poor smokers do.
Thom Strople said…
"Do are part" as opposed to "Do our part". I was pretty tired.

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