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Let's get back to work!

During a recent hospital stay I was again amazed and disheartened by the waste of time and money by our "corperate geniuses". The nursing staff was awesome, they never stop, they were either writing reports, delivering drugs or going to someones aid. There is no longer much time for them to "check up" on patients, to bring comfort or assurance to the sick or scared . There numbers have been cut so drastically that it appeared every minute is now accounted for.
The people that had time to speak with the patients were a different story all together. They had all kinds of time, they were dressed emaculately, and were asking us all kinds of really important questions like, " How do you like the way this chart looks?" or " would you like the chart on this wall or over there by the window?" These were charts the nurses would have to fill out, they contained information about when we would eat, when the meds would come around, when we would be taken for an MRI, stuff like that. The nicley dressed ladies would bring around the hospital bigshots and they would ooo and ahhhh about how clever they all were. My hard working nurse even got rebuked for not having enough information on the chart for the man next to me, it didn't matter that I had to tell him the time because he couldn't see the clock, right next to him let alone there stupid chart, or that the nurse was busy tring to comfort him and understand what he was saying, as he had just suffered a second stroke and could barley speak. It all looked too familar to me.
I work at General Motors and the same "corporate geniuses" are at work there. We operate machinery that cuts parts for transmissions. We use to have two responsibilities, make high quality parts and make lots of them. Over the last ten years or so as the number of employees has gone down, like the nurses in the hospital the useless, waste of time jobs have gone up. We too now have charts to fill out, no one looks at, parts to put on display, no one looks at. When the bigshots from out of town come by they all ooo and ahhh over the charts and displays and ignore the machinery and guages that make and measure the parts.
When we ask for a trades man to fix a machine on the weekend the company can't get us one , but when they need a display, money is no object. It's mind boggling!!
When did appearance supercede production, and when did systems become so much more important than hard work and quality.
I have a friend who works at Tim Horton's. She has never missed work, has always done all that is asked of her and and goes far beyond the call of duty. After many years of service she was rebuked by the boss for "not smilimg enough"
Are our companies and institutions run by idiots or have we 'technologied' ourselves right out of work!!
I don't know, but I don't like it!!
Let's get back to real honest work, real productivity, real quality, and real costomer service!!


Thom Strople said…
My roomate, who had suffered two strokes, had a third that took his life. His name was Glen Knight. A buisness man from Kingville. His wife despite her predicament was always kind and never lost her faith in God. Her name is Bea.

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