I always read Dr.David Jerimiah's daily devotionals, they're very good, thought provoking, encouraging and full of rock solid truth.
He always closes them with a great quote.
Being brought to faith and spending years learning about and worshiping Jesus in modern, contemporary churchs I've always enjoyed modern worship songs and never knew many traditional hymms exept "Amazing Grace".
Sometimes I'd read a quote from David Jerimiah's devotional and be blown away by how someone could say something so deep and true in so few words. I'd be so excited about the quote that I would go to my friend at work and tell him this " Hey I read this great quote in my devotional this morning it goes 'Every problem is a oppurtunity to trust, every situation is an oppurtunity to obey' isn't that great!" He'd say, "yeah Thom, we sing those words in church thats a beautiful hymn".Cool, A couple weeks later I'm telling him about "Turn your eyes upon Jesus ... and the things of this earth will grow strangley dim in the light of His glory and grace". "
"Oh yeah, thats a wonderful song." he says.
No way!, I didn't know. And there were others, lots of em'.
I love worship songs old and new. I hope gifted Christians never stop writing new ones and and we continue to pass the old one on as scripture has been passed on, generation to generation. And sometimes it's nice to hear a skilled writer say exactly what your thinking, but couldn't put in to words yourself, especially in this internet, short form, abreviated generation.
That's just my opinion. Balance is good.
He always closes them with a great quote.
Being brought to faith and spending years learning about and worshiping Jesus in modern, contemporary churchs I've always enjoyed modern worship songs and never knew many traditional hymms exept "Amazing Grace".
Sometimes I'd read a quote from David Jerimiah's devotional and be blown away by how someone could say something so deep and true in so few words. I'd be so excited about the quote that I would go to my friend at work and tell him this " Hey I read this great quote in my devotional this morning it goes 'Every problem is a oppurtunity to trust, every situation is an oppurtunity to obey' isn't that great!" He'd say, "yeah Thom, we sing those words in church thats a beautiful hymn".Cool, A couple weeks later I'm telling him about "Turn your eyes upon Jesus ... and the things of this earth will grow strangley dim in the light of His glory and grace". "
"Oh yeah, thats a wonderful song." he says.
No way!, I didn't know. And there were others, lots of em'.
I love worship songs old and new. I hope gifted Christians never stop writing new ones and and we continue to pass the old one on as scripture has been passed on, generation to generation. And sometimes it's nice to hear a skilled writer say exactly what your thinking, but couldn't put in to words yourself, especially in this internet, short form, abreviated generation.
That's just my opinion. Balance is good.