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Avoid every kind of evil 1- Thess.5:22 (My radical view of movies)

I'm really exposing myself on this topic. I don't expect anyone to agree with me , but I am being honest and sincere. This is how I feel about movies.
1-Real social interaction- When you have family and friends over isn't it nice to visit,listen and talk to each other or play games and interact, making memories along the way as opposed to watching a screen for hours and saying "Shh, Shh" every time someone tries to converse with you?
2- Movies are my right eye a) sex- Over the years of raising young children many times people have said "It's a great movie, but don't let your kids watch it"....My kids? my kids? What about me? Is it really a good thing for me to watch Hollywood's beautiful and sexy stars enticing the audience the way only Hollywood knows how to do it? (They do it very well, I might add)

Matthew 5:28-29 (New International Version)
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Maybe we should more often see our spouses in the role of "star".

Movies are my right eye b)violence- I personally don't have a problem with real life violence in documentary form. Many of us have seen real executions, video of death camps and other real life horrors, there terrifying but I'm of the belief that some (certainly not everybody) of our adult population needs to be aware of the level of brutality and evil that infects our world. How else can we make informed decisions regarding our laws, criminal justice and how or when to use military and police force. Hopefully the shock of such realities will help us to understand and support our armed forces and police(when support is warranted of course, but thats a whole other can of worms) instead of turning a blind eye or just denying that these awful things are actually happening.
Having said this about real violence that real people have to endure; watching violence as a form of entertainment bothers me.( I'm not refering to boxing,football or hockey , but murder, rape and torture.) The fact that we esteem Hollywoods writers and directors for the depravity of there imaginations and how well and realistically they present it is disturbing to me.

Matthew6:22-23 (New International Version)
"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

3- Why does Hollywood always change the story- I've read many books and watched lots of history documentaries that are far more interesting and intense than any movie, but when Hollywood gets a hold of something like that, they always have to change something no matter how great the true story is. They even change fictional stories. I've read some great books and am almost always dissapointed in the movie version. Not the presentation as the movie makers skill can not really be debated, they certainly are talented, but they always change the plot or the ending is completely differant. Why can't they just tell it like it is? "Based on a true story" is a joke. It's shocking how many people I've met who rely on movies to learn from. That's Scary.
4- Social Addiction to Movies-I watch alot of sports and I can understand completely why other people may not enjoy watching sports, or historical documentaries, or going shopping, or playing games. That's OK. However it seems that if you haven't seen the latest blockbuster, people freak out. "WHAT!! You haven't seen 'Titanic' or 'Lord of the Rings' what is the matter with you? You poor deprived, social misfit. Here we'll go see it together, or better yet I'll lend you my DVD, I've seen it 18 times...."
Imagine if you tried to get peoplle to go to church like that." WHAT!! You don't know Jesus, What is the matter with you? Someone get this guy a Bible, better yet take mine, I've read it 18 times....."
Yeah, I may have exaggerated in this part, but just a little.
5 The Moral and Ethical Downturn over time- They say you can't put a frog in boiling water or he'll jump out, however if you put him in cool water and slowly heat it up the frog will stay in the water until he dies. I don't know if this is true, I've never tried it.(It might be something fun to do with the boys some day instead of watching movies-- just kidding) But if change happens slowly our society will embrace it no matter how bad those changes seem to be. If you don't embrace it you are reactionary, old fashioned, "uptight" and will be "left behind" .. Oh No Not That!!!
I am certain that friends and family who were watching "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" or "The Sound of Music" in the seventies with Mom, Grandma and the kids at that particular point in time would never consider watching the movies of the last 30 years in the same company. There's no way. Well, what's changed. In this regard I don't think it's me and my radical view that has changed, but our societies moral and ethical standards have gone in the sewer. Of course the media would say I'm just not "safisticated" enough to under stand, apparantly niether were my parents entire generation. Though our society may change it's ideas of right and wrong Hebrews 13:8 promises that:

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" Praise the Lord!

6-I Can't be Bothered- People will tell me there are some good movies out there, and yes, I know that's true, but if I had a acquaintance who steals, sleeps around on his family, lies and cheats. Putting a fiver in the Salvation Army bucket doesn't make him a good character. Like that acquaintance it is easier for me to walk away from Hollywoods offering than to sift through the garbage for a pearl.

1 Corinthians 15:33 (New International Version)
Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."

7- Money- How many brothers and sisters give little or no money to there local church but help fund an industry that by and large supports everything our Lord tells us to reject.

Matthew 6:21 (New International Version)
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

I don't believe many people would read all the way through my "little" rant here but these are things I've never felt right about and it feels good to write them out. I hope for my christian bretheren it supplies food for thought and is an explanation for my bad attitude toward movies for my unbelieving friends.
Having said all this. People who don't like football are kind of goofy, I think


Anonymous said…
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Thom Strople said…
Having read through my posted rant I must appologize for my misuse of 1 Cor.15:33 and Matt.6:21. In my zeal I wasn't thinking clearly. Sorry .
Unknown said…
Thanks Thom. At least you're thinking about it. Too many Christians have no discretion when it comes to what they view.
Anonymous said…
Well said, Thomas!
Where Hollywood and the liberal left re-write history (revisionists) to alter the truth and put their own spin on it . . . not the truth or the facts, but how they would like history to have occurred. I believe one of the worst is Oliver Stone. Every time I hear of a movie coming out with Stone's name associated with it I'm interested to hear what the story line is. However, I'm not in the least interested in seeing it! Best regards and keep up the good work, Thom. JAS

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