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A great devotional and lesson from Dr. David Jerimiah.

Monday, August 2

Patient or Peevish?

Then the LORD said, "Is it right for you to be angry?"
Jonah 4:4

Recommended Reading
Jonah 4

Newspapers recently reported about a Chicago murder suspect who attacked his own attorney. The lawyer had advised the plaintiff to stop "mouthing off" during jury selection, but the alleged murderer didn't like the advice. He punched his defender in the face. Now the plaintiff comes to court with his hands, feet, and head strapped to a chair and his mouth covered. He also has a new lawyer.

It's odd how irritable we can be at others when the fault lies purely with us. We often resent those who try to help us. We may really be angry at ourselves; but our frustration erupts toward our husband, wife, coworker, teacher, or church worker. Sometimes we can even be angry at God, as Jonah was when God spared Nineveh. But whenever we lash out, it's wise to listen to the Lord, who has a way of asking: "Is it right for you to be angry?"

He is our advocate who works for our good, and our friends seek our welfare. Be patient today rather than peevish, and thankful rather than resentful.

Anger never made anybody the happier.
John Bowring in an 1834 book, Minor Morals for Young People


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