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Bored or Blessed

I was on another long walk last night. The kind of thing the Cialis advertisers refer to as boring. (No more long walks ,nudge , nudge , wink , wink). As I walked I was amazed at the rate of thinking my mind was doing. In this fast ,constantly entertained world am I the only one or do other people find the "boring" times like long walks , working on the assembly line , cutting the grass, or waiting for an appointment a great time to think about deeper things like rolling the scripture I didn't totally grasp , over again in my mind . Taking it to heart and with the spirit's help understanding and thinking of how I can apply it to my life without reading someone elses view or watching a video telling me what it means and how to think. The "boring" times are great times to be with you and God alone , to develop who you are. Convict yourself , "hey , maybe I was wrong about this or that". Or if your sure about something the "boring" time is a great place to build an explanation for you view.
Sometimes "boring" times are good for planning trips or fun surprises for your wife or family or just counting your blessings (personally I'd need a really lenghty walk to touch on just a fraction of these . Thanks Lord)
Anyway , if your bored I think maybe you just need to get your mind in gear and perhaps if more of those guys on TV went on long walks with there wives instead of watching football all day they would'nt need Cialis. Just something that came to me after my long "boring" walk , nudge , nudge, wink , wink.


Anonymous said…
Thom Strople said…
Find a Quiet Place And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there.Matthew 14:23 Recommended ReadingExodus 19:14-20 Are you addicted to Twitter, the social networking service that allows you to describe your status in 140 characters or less and subscribe to others' status reports? Even if you're not addicted, a lot of people apparently are. There are plenty of websites now that describe signs of Twitter addiction and how to break the addiction if you are so afflicted. Twitter, texting, email, the Internet, 24-hour news cycles on radio and television--it's almost impossible to find a place to be alone with one's own thoughts today. And if you do find yourself in a silent place, it's only because you turned off or left behind a half-dozen or more devices that are designed to keep you occupied with "critical" information around the clock. But the information you receive in a quiet place is more important than anything else you might hear. That's because it comes from God and His Word. As our Creator and Heavenly Father, God wants to meet with you in a quiet place. If need be, unplug and turn off the distractions and meet alone with the Father who waits for you.
K Dog said…
I agree, some of my best thinking & prayer times are when I'm at work cleaning all by myself. I think our culture puts too much value on being busy all the time.

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