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Home Sweet Home

As I was heading out to cut the grass I looked at our house and was struck suddenly with overwhelming thought and emotion . It wasn't really the house , but the memories of the life and unconditional love I've been blessed with. I wondered what my father would have thought if he could see what the next sixty years would be like when he and some friends built this place.
I thought of being a child and how strong and wholesome our upbringing was , I thought of the tougher times in the teens when there was some battling and brutal remarks made by defiant teens and loving , devastated parents , the real meaning of unconditional love is taught more often in battle fields than in comfort and agreement.
I could almost hear inspiring and loving wisps of music as the thoughts of Holly , Ken and the grandchildren from far out west came visiting and brought out the best in everybody and the joy of grand parenting and great grand parenting abounded. Then Roxanne and Vic married and Lora and I too. Luke came and Jordan , then Eric and Heidi . Like our childhood we were living a dream and enjoying our time to the fullest. Then.....
Mom became ill and we supported her , my dad and each other , it was time to learn the hard way again , but I know a better family of supporters nowhere on earth could be found. Mom died across the room from where I'm now sitting right now and fittingly Holly , Roxanne and I were present with Dad , I believe these experiences only made us closer and stronger and the things our parents taught us seemed magnified to me. After a four year fight , on Dads birthday , August 7, mom was gone . Grandma died the following Easter and Dad joined them on Canada day 1990 . The three were gone in a space of 11 months. It was a lonely house.
We had bought some property in Cottom and were going to build , but instead decided to move into the old house. Behn was born in between Moms death and Grandmas death. So Grandma and Dad got to meet Behn.
Since 1990 we have lived in this house and our kids have grown to adulthood . We have been blessed over and over again , even missing the rebellious teens ( I think more parents should follow Gods Word and trust it instead of following the worlds way of waiting for the inevitable "rebellion" to occur.)
Anyway , my sister just visited , in town for a class reunion , and all the boys are moved out now. I wish mom and dad could've see it all happen, maybe they can ,I don't know.
All I do know for sure is that my family loves me , I love them and instead of being a sad reminder of the past this old house is a constant reminder of the term "unconditional love"
Thanks to dad , mom , Lora , Luke , Jordan , Behn Holly , Ken , Vic , Roxanne and all the nieces, nephews, neighbours , friends and to my Lord and Saviour who for reasons known only to Him blessed me beyond my own understanding.


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