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Staying within yourself, enjoying where you're at.

It's a beautiful day out and I just got in from playing my guitar/harmonica and singing some songs on the deck. I really enjoy doing that.
I started playing my guitar in grade 10. It went really slowly. I would start and quit every few years . Often I would become very discouraged and give it up for three or four years at a time.  I'd hit a plateau that was beneath my expectations and I would just quit. I've never risen above that level , that level of  talent isn't there.
 But I became inspired by , of all things, hockey analogies. Harry Neale once said something along the lines of " Bill Berg has had a nice career because he doen't try to play like Gretzky ,  he plays like Bill Berg." Or as Don Cherry so nicely put it  the other day . " Crushers who try to be rushers , soon become ushers".
 If you're really talented in sports , music , arts or academics it will become obvious in a short time. Go for it ! (If  there is absolutley nothing there this  will also show). But for most of us in the middle , find where your at , do your best and enjoy it. Get in the game.


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