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I think modern Christians in North America think to much.  Always trying to redefine or make fresh a message that doesn't need to be tampered with .  I think we become petty and judgemental over the use of words . I was listening to Francis Chan this morning  one message was - Don't Focus on the Family - the next was -  Don't Tithe . Yet when all is said and done his is the same message as before. It's Jesus's message. Constant reinventing of the same message is really tiring to me.
I get it.  I got it a long time ago. Maybe we should be less petty about the words we use and winning arguements and more busy about living as Christ has taught us to live.
I don't believe when Christ spoke to the multitudes that all who heard and followed were leaders. It seems to me that many were working class believers. Serving God in there humble and lowly or middle class lives. I feel like today's Church puts the burden of leadership on everyone and I don't think everybody has leadership skills. It can be very discouraging.
Sorry to say, however it's true. I have heard many evangelical attempts from people who I don't believe are really mature in their faith or gifted in the skill of communication and are in fact quite rude or ill - mannered. I can't help believing that it would be far better if they kept quiet and acted out there faith as the Lord also instructs them to do.
The initial instruction is "Have Faith in Jesus and you will be saved" Simple. However after that it's a steady and long guilt trip if you don't   "join a group", "go to Bible study" , "become an outspoken evangelical", "give money".


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