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Guns are only a part of the problem

Yet another mass murder in the USA. Gun control, gun control, yeah that will fix it. I'm not against gun control , but I don't see it as THE problem.
There were guns in peoples possession in the 60's, 50's, 40's .......
- there were however also many more mothers raising THEIR  own children who they showed a caring love for  and disciplined with a passion and concern you can only have for your own child.
- there were many more fathers who not only didn't run away from their kids lives , but helped discipline, teach, love and support THEIR own children.
- there were NOT video games given to children to show them how to kill cops, beat old ladies, and rob stores.
- there were not movies to watch that are full of violence and sex with anybody , as long as its not your spouse.
-I've known many young children who in 5 or 7 short years have filled their heads with more garbage and crap then I have even thought about in my 55 years.

People tell me "Thom, it's just a movie" yet when it's got some kind of perceived moral high ground they'll say "Oh, you have to see this movie", "it's so uplifting", "it's got such a great message", "it will change your view/your life/your opinion"
However when I point out the terrible morality and viciousness of other movies they will say it....."Thom! it's just a movie"
 Are they believing that only the positive stories affect our hearts, minds and souls ? That the violence and sexual unfaithfullness in these movies and TV shows somehow don't effect us? That's just stupid !!

I"m not lying when I say the thought of just killing people to kill people has never, occurred to me, it never has . However if you play those games and watch those movie it HAS occurred to you. You're AWARE  of it . Oh yeah, it's just a game. That's right.
Why do we have breast cancer awareness, or prostate cancer awareness or aids awareness ?  Oh yeah so it will be on our minds. Maybe we'll do something good.
These games and movies make us, and more importantly our developing children, aware of gun violence. They even make it fun.
Oh yeah, that's right it's only the good and happy AWARENESS affects us. The bad stuff, well it's only a game, a movie, what ever.


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